So the big news this week (once you get past things like
hurricane Sandy, campaign news, and celeb Halloween costumes) is that Disney
has bought Lucasfilm and will be making 3 more Star Wars movies. This is a pretty freaking big deal.
Most fans have
apparently not been taking the news well. I completely missed out on the
announcement on Tuesday (this is what happens when you don’t have a Twitter
account) and just saw it this morning. I’m still processing.
Undeniably, the original Star
Wars movies are the best. When I do Star
Wars do I dress up as Queen Amidala? Heck no! I go Princess Leia all the
way. BUT, unlike some other hardcore
fans, I like the new trilogy. Is it as all around amazing and incredible as the
original? No. Is it still good? I would say yes.
I am well aware of the inclusion of much hated characters
like Jar Jar Binks. I don’t like him either, guys. It does appear that maybe
some things like the pod racing scene, which is a bit long and involved, were
added mainly for the chance to play around with the effects. And sure, Yoda
flipping all over the place like a tiny, crazed chimp in Attack of the Clones is a
bit distracting to say the least. But I hardly feel like these small things are
enough to ruin the series.
I’m sure everyone has their own reasons for their prequel
issues. And really, who am I to judge? Especially considering I still can’t get
over the travesty that is X-Men: The Last
Stand. So I will leave you to your own opinions, but I have decided to
include some examples of the good parts of the movies.
3. Liam Neeson as a Jedi
Liam Neeson can do no wrong. He has been a God, he has been
the best father/stepfather ever, a totally BAMF villain, and now he can be an awesome
Jedi too. Actually this is inspiring me to have a Liam Neeson movie night
similar to the Alan Rickman movie night we had back in college.
But anyway, Liam Neeson kills it as Qui-Gon Jinn. He’s wise.
He’s resourceful. He is strong in the force. His lightsaber skills could
perhaps use some work, but that’s neither here nor there. Whenever he call
Obi-Wan his young padawan, I’m like, train me master!
2. Anakin’s Crazy Eyes
Say what you will about Hayden Christensen as Anakin
Skywalker – he has the crazy eyes down. This works for me. I think a large
issue with the prequels is how Anakin Skywalker is portrayed. We expected him
to be this larger than life amazing character that has an epic moral struggle
before giving into the Dark Side. Instead, he’s a cocky, whiny brat. See, I can
get over this. Mostly because I’ve decided his emotional issues work.
We know that Anakin needs to turn evil. We know that he also
needs to eventually turn good again. So we need someone who’s emotionally
unstable and prone to violence.
And Anakin delivers! Even when he’s an adorable child he’s
impulsive and clearly emotional. By Episode II he has worked his way up to full
out tantrums and mass murdering. I mean kinda for a good cause. Kinda.
1. Emperor Palpatine’s Evil Master Plan
Ok, seriously. When you consider all the little things and
the massive amount of time it took Emperor Palpatine to become the emperor…
it’s like the best evil master plan in the history of evil master plans! There
were SO MANY things that could have gone wrong. It hinged on so many random
people unwittingly doing what he wanted. It required excellent understanding of
key players, exceptional manipulation, and impressive Force skills. Emperor
Palpatine was willing to sacrifice whatever pawns necessary to achieve the
greater goal.
Not only did he manage to achieve ultimate galaxy control
(so keep in mind it’s even more impressive that his plan was to take over the
galaxy. Generally villains can barely manage overtaking a country, let alone a
world), he kept it up for almost 20 years. That takes skillz. Such serious
skillz, they surpass mere skills.
Now having demonstrated some of the great things from the
prequels, am I totally on board with the idea of a new trilogy? Honestly I’m
torn. I can think of many, many things that give me pause. I’m an optimist
though. I have to hope they’ll still turn out well. Regardless, I guarantee I
go watch every single one.