You have no idea how ready I am for this upcoming 3 day
weekend. I have been traveling like a mad woman this month and I am uber
excited to camp out in my apartment, eating, tv watching, and video game
playing to my heart’s content. Since my friend Erin and I are basically the
same person, she read my mind and revealed the
secret to the perfect movie marathon. I was already planning my own little movie
marathon for the weekend, but I’ve been wrestling with a little dilemma all
My movie marathon plan was to watch the Bourne movies. I’ve
never seen them, and after seeing previews for the new Bourne (which has Jeremy
Renner in it, and I think he’s my new bf. In case you didn’t know, he plays
Doyle in 28 Weeks Later and we all
know how
much I love Doyle) I was intrigued. Plus they just seem like the type of movie I'd enjoy, so I always meant to watch them at some point.
However, I don’t own the Bourne trilogy. I mean of course I
don’t, we know I have a very strict rule against buying
movies I've never watched. So I picked them up last weekend from my friend
Pietro. EXCEPT Pietro also gave me the movie Cars, and said that was the price of me borrowing them.
Fricken A.
See I have this thing with the movie Cars. I have declared I will never watch it. Pietro knows this and
it’s beyond his comprehension. He has been “subtly” trying to get me to watch
the movie for a while, and this is just the latest attempt.
Why am I never watching Cars?
Well that’s simple. Too many people told me to. For whatever reason I didn’t
see it when it first came out. I was busy or something. Basically everyone else
in the world saw it, and all of a sudden that’s all they could talk about. My
friends, the people I babysat for, random people on the bus. EVERYONE kept
saying “oh it’s so great, you should watch it!” The first time I agreed, the
second time I made a mental face, and by about the third or fourth time I was
dead set against it.
You CANNOT tell me what to do. It ends badly. In fact, back
in college my friends used to have a game called “you won’t.” Not only can you
not tell me what to do, you can’t tell me what NOT to do. So whenever they
started a sentence “you won’t” they knew I’d end up doing whatever they said.
Some people out there might call this a mark of defiance.
Some might call it stubbornness. It’s more a mix of both.
For the longest time this was a big joke in my house. My
parents were always talking about how “defiant” I was, but I just didn’t see
it. It felt so natural, I assumed everyone did the same thing. You know, normal
kid stuff like sitting at a table for hours because they refused to eat dinner
instead of icecream. Attempting to run away at 5 years old because they weren’t
allowed candy before dinner. Not talking for a day because their brother said
something to make them mad. All totally normal!
It didn’t really occur to me that perhaps I have more issues
with authority than most people until I got into reading Indian captive
stories. I love historical fiction, and at some point in my preteens I went
through an Indian captive phase. Yet I soon realized that these stories
inevitably infuriated me. The problem was that eventually, the main character
succumbed. Personally, a lot of times I was on the side of the Native
Americans. Their culture seemed way more interesting. BUT, if the character
starts their captivity by swearing they’re not giving in to the heathen ways,
then they better not change their mind halfway through! I don’t care how much
sense it makes, you DO NOT GIVE IN. In fact, screw just being sullen and
unpleasant. Try to escape! Go on a hunger strike! Attack your captors! ANYTHING
besides meekly submitting.
At this point I’ve accepted that I might have some defiant
tendencies. Luckily they don’t rear their ugly head in professional situations.
And I’m well aware that this is the entire reason I won’t watch Cars. So knowing this, can I indulge my
bad habits and stick to my guns, or do I need to mature a little and get over
I’ve been debating this all week, and as usual, the universe
just keeps throwing it back in my face. I get to CA, and there are signs all
over the place for the new Cars theme
land. Cars 2 commercials keep coming
up on tv. Even the radio was talking about Cars.
Thus I now have to turn to my favorite way to resolve a
situation… the pro/con list.
Pros to watching Cars
- I might like it.
- I like Pixar movies.
- I won’t feel bad about borrowing the Bourne movies.
- If Pietro asks, I can answer honestly.
- It will be a good step towards dealing with my defiant & stubborn tendencies.
Cons to watching Cars
- I said I wouldn’t.
- A little piece of my soul might die.
- Before all the madness, I once saw the first 10 minutes and wasn’t impressed, which is a good indication I might not like it.
- Pietro will probably not pursue whether or not I watched it, so I’d be giving in for nothing.
- Technically, he didn’t explicitly say I had to watch it in order to watch the Bourne trilogy, it was really more implied and I can’t be held to an implication.
- I said I wouldn’t.
But the con list is so much more stacked right now...