This week I’m staying at a hotel that has all these little
signs up that make me cackle. Not that the signs themselves are particularly
funny. I just find the entire idea of displaying little signs telling guests
tips on how to achieve a good night’s sleep rather amusing. I also found it
particularly apt for the week, as I had spent a good portion of Sunday night
thinking about sleeping and dreaming in general.
There are some pretty crazy facts/myths about sleep and
dreams floating out there in the world, which I wanted to share!
# 1 – Some people dream in color, while some dream in black
& white.
The mechanics are still open to debate. Why do some people
dream in color and not others? Scientists tend to view this as a matter of
interpretation and recall.
Now I once read an article that said you actually do not
dream in color, you just add the colors in when you remember the dream. I found
this ridiculous.
Take, for instance, my dream from Saturday night. During the
dream my brother was kidnapped by a flying vampire. My cat (Cat) was sniffing
his trail, and since the vampire had flown away it ended at a cliff, which Cat
walked over since she’s quite stupid. This happened to be right above the ocean
and it was cold out, so I immediately grabbed Cat from the ocean and bundled
her in my shirt as I went to find a warm towel to wrap her in. Then I had to
puzzle over the towel cabinet for a while. I could see some bright yellow
towels, but those are my kitchen towels so they’re not very big. I could also
see blue towels, but same problem. Then I found some gray towels, but those
belong to my parents, and I knew my dad would totally not approve using his
towel for Cat.
# 2 – You cannot die in a dream/if you fall in a dream, you
won’t ever hit the bottom.
I’m glad to know this is a just a myth, otherwise I’d be the
weird one out. I die in my dreams like all the time. This isn’t always
traumatic. Sometimes I become a ghost, sometimes I switch bodies, and sometimes
it just fades out to black before I wake up. I fall in dreams quite a lot too.
Luckily, I don’t do it as much anymore.
I say luckily, because back in the day when I dreamed I was
falling and hit the bottom, this was normally because I rolled out of bed in my
sleep and I actually hit the ground. Which hurts. And wakes you up quite
abruptly. I really don’t recommend this for a good night’s sleep.
# 3 – Your body is paralyzed while sleeping.
This is actually a fact that your body is supposed to
release a hormone while you sleep that paralyzes you.
I say “mostly” true, because there are clearly some
exceptions. Obviously this isn’t working for sleepwalkers. While I’m not a sleepwalker,
I’m pretty sure this hormone is also a fail for me. I have always been a very
active sleeper. I kick, I punch, and some times I throw things about the room.
Let’s not forget that once during high school I even managed to tie myself up
during my sleep with my blanket. In fact, I cannot sleep well if someone is in
my bed, or even my room, because I’m terrified that if I fall into a deep sleep
I’m going to end up hurting them.
This probably stems from the fact that when I was younger
and we visited my grandmother, I normally slept in her bed, and my mother would
warn me over and over again that I COULD NOT kick her in my sleep like I
normally do. My grandmother breaks even easier than I do, so I was convinced
that if I slept deeply I’d kick her and break her back. That would totally make
me the new family pariah.
# 4 – Sleep paralysis is caused by aliens.
FALSE (Duh).

On the opposite end of the scale from me, some people wake
up before the paralysis wears off. This means they wake up paralyzed, which can
be frightening. It feels like they can’t breathe, the room looks funny, and they
think they see a strange, bright light. These are all effects of the paralysis,
but many people in the past have taken this as a sign of witchcraft, ghosts, or
alien visitations.
For whatever reason on Sunday night I couldn’t fall asleep
easily, and while trying to drift off I was thinking about my crazy dream from
Saturday (the part earlier is just one tiny section of that dream. Yeah…),
which led to me thinking about Final
Fantasy: The Sprits Within.
I can’t say I particularly understand how this movie ties in
with the games, but nevertheless I like it. About midway through the movie
General Hein (voiced by the great James Woods!) uses dreams as a political
weapon. He claims the main character Aki (voiced by the same person as Mulan.
And we all know James Woods is Hades in Hercules,
so this is really like a Disney movie voice party) is in league with the enemy
aliens because of her dreams.
This popped up in my head Sunday night because I was
thinking about how weird my dream was, and how people would think I was crazy
if they could see it. But really, can you imagine a world where we could watch
each other’s dreams? We probably wouldn’t need reality tv anymore.
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