Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Honest And True Time

When defining nerds, geeks, and thus neeks one key word really sticks out: obsessive. The past few weeks have really kicked this trait into high gear. Why? Two words my friends, two words. Vampire Diaries.

Let’s start at the beginning of the story. My friend Jenn accidentally started watching the show when Netflix didn’t have something else she wanted to watch available. A few days later she starts recommending the show to me, swearing up and down I’d absolutely love it. I had no intention of watching it though. Not because I doubted Jenn (she’s fairly spot on with her recommendations), but because I don’t have Netflix, and I have a very firm rule about not buying movies/shows I haven’t watched yet. This rule stems from when I bought The Fountain. Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. Legend of the fountain of youth. What could I possibly not like about this??? Everything, apparently.

So Jenn, knowing how I am, took it upon herself to buy me the first season of Vampire Diaries. I currently both love and hate her for this.

Because I am OBSESSED. In fact, I’ve already finished the first season. Halfway through the first season I realized I would die a little inside if I didn’t have the second season ready to go when I finished (they’re big on cliffhangers) so I ran out with the sole intention of buying it. I’m a little on edge knowing that the third season isn’t available until August. In fact, around when it comes out I might declare Vampire Diaries week and have a post every day about something I love from the show.

It’s not just that it’s vampires. I mean I like vampires, but anyone that reads/watches a lot of vampire related material knows there are vampires, and then there are vampires done right. I was sure this would not be done right. It’s a teen show for crying out loud! Clearly it had to be some kind of bad Twilight knockoff (which makes me shudder to think of something worse than Twilight).

But the characters are brilliant, the storyline is compelling, and almost beside the point, I’m actually really enjoying their take on vampires.

The problem is, Honest And True Time, I really love Damon over Stefan.

Hold up, before I explain why, let’s delve a little into the idea of Honest And True Time.

Honest And True Time is a phrase I started at some point in college. I have no idea why I first said it, but once I did, it was the phrase one would use before revealing some bit of information fundamental to yourself. So saying, “Honest And True Time guys, the sky is blue,” is a misuse of the phrase and deserves punishment. However, something like “Honest And True Time, I think I have an addiction to diet pepsi” is completely acceptable even if everyone else ALREADY KNOWS IT. The point is that the revelation is new to you.

I don’t remember if this is when I first used the phrase, but a prime example of Honest And True Time would be the Harry Potter Naked Horse episode.

You’ll probably remember that at some point Daniel Radcliff decided to do the play Equus which involves horses and him being naked on stage. That’s all I really know about that. But this picture of him standing naked next to the horse was all over the web. My roommate called me and Jenn to her computer to see it, and after a moment of silence, we both realized that when faced with a naked man and a horse, all we could notice was his jawline.

Weird, right? This was our moment of discovery that we are primarly attracted to men with strong, chiseled, delicious jawlines. It was a light bulb moment. All of a sudden I realized all my favorite male celebrities have the same type of jawline. I’ve been unconsciously seeking strong jawlines my entire life! Thus I could now declare Honest And True Time, I’m attracted to men’s jawlines.

Now that you understand the idea of Honest And True Time, you might wonder why it matters that I prefer one fictional vampire over another from some silly tv show.

Sexpot on right = Damon
Because this is indicative of my preference in general for men. It’s not because Damon is hotter (although I find him super lust worthy, don’t get me wrong). And honestly, Stefan is the way better person/boyfriend. He’s sweet. He’s caring. He tries to understand your feelings and behave appropriately.

In the words of Damon himself, Damon's kind of a dick.

But I love him! He’s exciting. He’s dark. He’s not all broody and sentimental all the time. Sure, he kills people ruthlessly and he can’t handle rejection. Yes, in his efforts to help people he isn’t above threats and maiming. And yeah maybe half of what he says is sarcastic and cutting, but that’s okay, right?

I know, I know, guys always say girls just want the jerks. Here I am, proving them right. First of all, I’m not saying this is true for everyone. I’m saying that personally, Honest And True Time, I have realized that I really don’t want a good guy. At least not somebody that’s good all the time, like Stefan. And certainly not somebody as clingy as Stefan. I need to know I can be free to wander around on my own making bad decisions. And I need to know a guy is going to wander off on his own, making bad decisions too. Because that keeps us growing. What I fear above all else, is life becoming too stagnant. It’s boring. I can’t handle boring.

And Vampire Diaries is ANYTHING but boring.

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