Friday, June 29, 2012

Now for a Commercial Break

Today I feel like the kid with all the cool toys. Since I’m finally in an office surrounded by real people (as opposed to Cat and teddy bears) I’ve been frolicking amongst the group showing off all my cool things. This is only slightly different from when I realized at the beginning of the week I’m starting to get arm muscles, and had to show those off.

That’s the thing about having cool toys. It’s fine and dandy to appreciate them yourself, but it’s extra awesome when you can hear people exclaim over them. I personally don’t view it as trying to rub my funness in people’s faces. I’m not trying to make them jealous of my wondrous gadgets.

It’s really the same idea of why I don’t like watching new movies by myself. I’ll watch movies over and over again all the time. But movies I haven’t seen before I prefer to watch with people. I want to share in on their reactions. I want the experience of sharing an experience.

So that was me today with my new favorite gizmos.

Awesome Item #1 is nail polish. I randomly found it on Monday, while my friends and I took a break from our vacation fest to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We had legitimate reasons to be there, but of course then we ended up just wandering around browsing all the cool gadgets. I found they also had Awesome Item #2 in stock which everyone decided to buy (more on that later), and while leaving the area I spotted this nail polish out of the corner of my eye.

It’s magnetic nail polish. Not magnetic in the sense that you become Magneto and can easily steal pocket change while walking past strangers. You put on a layer, let it dry, then put on another layer, and using a magnet make these incredibly cool waves appear on your nails.

I didn’t try it out until last night, and it’s FREAKIN AWESOME. My nails look so nifty. You have no idea. 

Ok well you do, because I’m including a picture. I want to buy every other color available. All day I have been distracting myself with my incredibly shiny nails. It’s fantastic.

Maybe it even distracts away from my tiny hands??

Awesome Item #2 is lip gloss.

So to appreciate this, we must start with explaining a few key details about my lifestyle choices. I don’t really wear makeup. I have a tinted lotion I wear sometimes, and that’s about it. When I want to step it up, I put on eyeliner, and maybe some sort of lip color.

Now I actually used to wear a lot of lip stick/gloss/stain but that was because of my blue issue. I get cold very easily, and because my circulation is full of fail, my lips spend a lot of time either blue or purple. It looks unhealthy, so during the winter I am more likely to wear some kind of color so I look like a real person and not a (well preserved) zombie. However I’ve gotten lazier and lazier about makeup as time goes on, so even this has fallen by the wayside.

This lip gloss caught my eye though because it’s supposed to match to your perfect color, and I was intrigued. I didn’t think it would actually match by ph levels like it says, but then what was it going on? The base color of your lips? Temperature? I love to test things out, so I knew I had to buy it and play around.

Having no self restraint, I tried it on myself that first night. It was pretty. Not a color I’d ever buy, although it looked good on me. But this was inconclusive. I had to wait until I was visiting friends to run my true experiments.

So sure enough on Saturday three of us tried it out. Within minutes, we had three very different lip colors going on. And they all looked great! Not only did we have different colors, my color was different from the first time I wore it. The first time it was a very bright pink. This time it was more reddish. We were astounded!

This still wasn’t enough data for conclusive results, so we tried again Sunday. With completely new shades! This time, we also switched locations while wearing the lip gloss. And believe it or not, the shade adjusts when based on the light to become darker/lighter as needed.

This is why everyone had to buy some on Monday. Because it’s the coolest thing ever.

(Bad) pic of the color today. Tried not to smile so you could really see the color.
Now I’m not sure it’s really your “perfect” shade. I just had about 5 girls at work try it today, and it became a little too bright for them (although so far it is consistently brightest on me. I don’t know why it always gives me bright, bold colors). Not everyone is sold on it, but I’m rather in love. Not only is there the cool color changing aspect, it also isn’t as sticky as typical lip gloss, which is a big selling point to me.

I super want a guy to try it. I’m just curious to see if it reacts differently. This is my new goal in life, to convince a guy to try it out. Please don’t hesitate to contact me and volunteer!

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