Personally, I’ve had longish hair most of my life, with the
exceptions being when I was a baby, and a few random times when I chopped it
off and immediately regretted it and had to wait for my hair to grow out again.
Some people, like my father, think everyone should have short hair. Some
people, like Laurell K Hamilton’s characters, think everyone should have long
The truth of the matter is not everyone can pull off long
hair. Of course, not everyone can pull off short hair either. I’m not going to
comment either way on who does or does not look good with a certain hair
length, but I will say that with long hair comes great responsibility and
You see, long hair is a secret death trap. It’s true.
Besides all the known issues around maintenance and increased risk of heat
stroke in the summer, there’s the constant possibility that long hair will lead
to your early demise.
Now in everyday life you’re probably okay to wander around
with your long hair let down, but you should be wary if weird situations come
up. Don’t believe me? Here are 4 examples:
Missed it by a hair
I’m starting these examples with the world of sports, which you might think to be the least likely to have issues with long hair. However, my beloved Steelers have a player that is known for his luscious locks, and has also demonstrated their vulnerability. In case you weren’t watching every Steeler game back in 2006, I’m sharing a video clip. Polamalu had intercepted the ball and was nearing the end zone when he was tackled by… wait for it… his hair. Now this isn’t really a near death situation (although it could be, I feel like that’s doing bad things to your neck) but in some games those 7 points can make all the difference, so close enough.
Safety protocol
The next example comes from a book series. Specifically,
this is a zombie trilogy written by Mira Grant that starts with the book Feed. I’m about halfway through the
third book (I can only read it while it’s light outside) and I will say it’s
definitely my favorite zombie series ever. While none of the characters have
died YET (because again I have half a book left) from their long hair, in this
post-zombie world it clearly has happened because one of the main characters
talks about it ALL THE TIME. When she briefly has long hair she is freaking out
about it, due to the potential hazards. So clearly, at some point someone was
caught by their hair and munched on. Definitive proof.
Trimmed down
DEATH, so much DEATH
So you might have noticed that no one has really died yet in
my examples. Well, prepare yourself then for the ultimate proof – Piranha 3D. In Piranha 3D there is not only one but TWO girls who die due to their
long hair. The first girl is innocently swimming in the lake with everyone else
when the piranhas attack and it becomes a madhouse. While a certain jerk is
trying to escape, her hair gets caught in the boat’s propeller. Suffice to say
her face and scalp get ripped off (I think, to be honest I was hiding for a
good portion of this movie and have mentally blocked other portions).
Sadly not being there to learn a valuable lesson, the second
girl is stuck on a sinking ship and trying to crawl across a rope to make it to
safety. Several people crawl across the rope. They make it successfully. This
girl does not. You know why? Because the twat didn’t put her hair up before
starting across. The piranhas jump and catch hold of her hair, and pull her to
her death.
What have we learned here? You can have long hair. It’s
gorgeous, it’s sexy, it’s a wonderful defense mechanism in SOCIAL SITUATIONS,
but damn it be smart and put it in a ponytail before engaging in potentially
hazardous activity. The Green Ranger knew to do this. Are you better than the
Green Ranger? I think not.
I appreciate that your examples included Steelers football, a zombie story, anime, and Piranha 3D. Good stuff.