Friday, September 7, 2012

TVD: Vamps & Tramps, Not Apples & Oranges

This is TVD week! To celebrate the season 3 release on Tuesday, every post this week will concern vampires and The Vampire Diaries tv series. Be wary of some spoilers, although I will avoid anything uber important from season 3.

When comparing vampire myths I have mentioned True Blood a few times, and with good reason. The Vampire Diaries and True Blood are actually remarkably similar. In fact, it’s a common question in the world (yes, the whole world, of course not just neeky people chatting online) which series is the better one to watch. This is up for some debate.

Now I have watched True Blood up to this past season, which I haven’t watched yet. I have watched The Vampire Diaries up to the very last episode in season 3. Thus I feel qualified to make some suggestions.

As I said, the series are super similar. Knowing how everyone loves a good list, here are several areas in which the shows overlap:

·      Both are based on a book series.
·      Both shows develop a way for vampires to be in the sunlight.
·      Both draw in other supernatural elements… vampires, witches, and werewolves – oh my!
·      Both introduce werewolves in the second season.
·      Both have main (hot) female characters who are non-vampire.
·      Both main female characters have only one sibling, a brother.
·      Both main female characters (mfcs) have dead parents.
·      Both mfcs initially still live with their female guardian.
·      Both mfcs fall in love with a “good” vampire.
·      Both mfcs then get some hard core lust going on for a “bad” vampire.
·      Both mfcs are summarily torn between the two.
·      Both mfcs have “special” blood.

See? Practically the same show.

The big differences between the two are sex & violence. Since True Blood is the adult show, you would expect it to be the more sexual & violent of the two. Well, you’re half right.

True Blood definitely has more sex, and it’s definitely more graphic. This is not a show to watch with your grandma (your grandma’s already secretly watching it at night when she’s done reading Fifty Shade of Grey). I have actually heard people say before that a large part of why they watch True Blood is for the sex.

Yes, please.
Now TVD on the other hand is a little more subdued with the rampant lovemaking. Oh it happens here and there. Vampire hormones apparently are constantly stuck in horny teenager mode. But it’s certainly not every episode and there’s certainly far less body exposure. Not that I have anything against Eric Northman strutting around in the buff. Faaaaaaaaaaaar from it.

But when it comes to violence, I actually think the shows are pretty evenly tied. True Blood is a bit more visual and gross. TVD is a little more realistic with its violence and torture. However, where TVD totally has True Blood beat is the body count.

As I’m said before, in The Vampire Diaries people die ALL THE FREAKING TIME. That wasn’t an exaggeration.

Not only do people die, the ones that die are RELEVANT. They’re not just killing off random characters you met for a second and figured would probably die. Sure, True Blood has had some very shocking character deaths, but TVD totally has them topped, even if you only count characters that appear in the first two episodes and then die.

This is one of the things I really like about TVD. When a character I like gets into some sort of undesirable situation, I legitimately do not know if they’ll survive. But this is FANTASTIC. I mean sure, it makes me quite cross at times, but it also keeps me on the edge of my seat. I have no false sense of security. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point they kill off one of the three main characters. I am invested in some of these characters. Not knowing what might happen to them keeps me watching, keeps me tense, and keeps me screaming at the screen.

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