Saturday, September 6, 2014

#WritingDate Part 2 - Bust a Rhyme

So today was National Writing Date Day! My friend Erin and I decided to do a #WritingDate together, and it was everything I wanted and more. You can read an explanation of what we were doing here on Erin's blog. We had decided ahead of time to share the results of our writing prompts, so I'm sticking to that bargain. We did prompt #12 together, but then I decided to do prompt #5 - rhyming. It starts out okay and then gets a little crazy (or cray, if you'd prefer. I now have to pretend it's a real word since I used it).

Be warned, I decided to do no clean up whatsoever, so this is the madness of 1 hour of writing...

What is there to know about a neek?
Are they short? Are they sleek?
Do they stumble? Do they creak?
The answers below are what you seek!

A neek is one who is absurd,
A bit of a geek, a bit of a nerd.
They might obsess over the written word
Or memorize every song they’ve heard.

They love to share their love of things,
Whether it be candy or diamond rings.
They’re like a cat playing with string;
It becomes their everything!

A neek doesn’t care if something’s cool.
Or if people think they’re a fool.
You can even call them a tool,
They won’t stop saying that it rules.

The neek might own every CD released,
Or every comic, without a single one creased.
They might dwell on the living deceased,
(That means zombies, don’t be rhyme police!).

 If you ever get to meet
A neek, a nerd, or a geek.
Remember to be nice and sweet
Because you’re in for quite a treat.

As long as you don’t interfere
Or laugh at them, or start to jeer
At their obsession for that year
They’ll be a better friend than beer.

So in summary you should pray
You get to friend a neek someday
They’ll change your life a little each day
As they show you things other people call cray.

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