Thanks to my friend Erin, I’ve recently
lost hours of my life on The Oatmeal. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a site with a
lot of funny comics. My favorite though is actually a drawing summarizing the pros and cons to a pros
and cons list. Considering I’m a sucker for a good list, I was highly
amused. The punchline is that it’s a “clever way to rationalize a bad
decision.” First I laughed about this, and then I had an existential crisis.
Have all my decisions been bad? Am I incapable of making good decisions when I
really take the time to think through them?? Since I’m in the midst of a big
debate with myself, this was enough to throw me for a mental loop.
So here’s my current predicament: I’m seriously considering
chopping my hair off. And this, for me, is a pretty big freaking deal.
Let’s have a little back story first. My hair is long. It
has almost always been long(ish) since I was a kid. Now as it gets long I get
antsy and want to cut it. Every few years something spurs me to actually cut it
shorter (not short, shorter, that’s a significant difference), and inevitably I
hate it and spend several weeks (minimum) being miserable with my new hair. Having
said that, you’re probably thinking “why is this even under discussion then you
flaming idiot?!” I hear you. Generally when I start getting in the mood to cut
it, I distract myself with a new color, new wardrobe, or hell even planning a
new tattoo is a safer bet. But generally, I cut my hair as a spur of the moment
thing when the mood strikes me. This time, I’ve been debating it for about 3-4
months, and instead of making a pro vs con list, I thought I’d take a moment to
really think about WHY. Why do I like my long hair so much, versus why would I
want to cut it (don’t even tell me that’s the same thing as a pro & con
list. I will find you, and slap you).
Here’s what this would look like on a superficial level,
which in my opinion is about what I would get out of comparing pros & cons.
I can wash & wear.
I have a LOT of options: I can braid, twist, put
up, straighten, etc.
It’s taken years to grow, so I should enjoy it
while I can.
People like my hair.
It looks like princess hair.
There’s the possibility that I’ll have yet
another emotional meltdown if I cut it short.
It is freaking hot (I should probably clarify –
not that short hair looks hot, but my current hair keeps me very hot in regards
to temperature).
It currently takes a year and a half to wash.
At times I literally plan my life around washing
my hair.
It takes extra money and a ton of effort to dye.
That’s all well and good, but it’s not really getting to the
root of the problem. Here’s what this comparison would look like with all the
deep internal stuff I would never admit to on a pro & con list:
Long hair is more feminine. I actually spend a
lot of time questioning my femininity. I hang out with mainly men, I have yet
to master makeup, I drink beer and eat junk, and I talk like my brother. In
retrospect, maybe I should be doing a rant here about why it’s ridiculous that those
are things I feel like I should base my femininity on, but I’m not that
motivated today. Nonetheless, as a girl that’s frequently told she’s “one of
the guys,” having long hair helps remind me that I am in fact a girl.
In high school my psychology professor told me I
like to hide behind my hair. I thought he was referring to when I would
literally put my head down and peek through it. However, I realized it’s more
than that. I do not like my face. I don’t necessarily hate it, but I don’t like
it either. When I’m having a day where it’s particularly bugging me for
whatever reason, I keep my hair down. When I don’t want someone to read my emotions,
I play with it. For Pete’s sake I had bangs for the last 2 years because I
realized they better hid my eyes. It’s my safety blanket, and I super don’t
want to give that up.
Without a doubt, my hair is my most complimented
feature. In school, before we really learned social conventions, the other kids
in my class used to play with my hair all the time (actually random people in
bars still stroke it, but that’s a little creepy). When I babysat the kids
would beg me to let them style it. People love the length, they love the
thickness (yeah they do *insert dirty wink*), and generally no matter what
color I dye it they love that too.
In most aspects of life I am a practical person.
The impracticality of my hair these days is starting to drive me mildly insane.
Now in the past when my dad suggested I would find short hair more practical I
disagreed because it requires styling, and I’m lazy. I’m starting to think
though that if I cut it short enough that wouldn’t be an issue.
I’m also starting to think that far too much of
my identity is tied to my hair. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I
consider it worrisome. What if I had to have short hair (or no hair) for some
other reason? Why have I let it define me? Why do I put so much weight on it?
What am I like when I’m not basing my worth off something stupid like having
long princess hair?
Being brutally honest, we already know I base a
lot of my decisions off what I’m told to do/not do. As a teenager I was
frequently told I would end up cutting my hair short like my mother, so I have
specifically avoided doing that. Same thing, when I moved to Texas everyone
told me I’d cut my hair the first summer because of the heat, and I liked the
idea of proving them wrong. These are actually really stupid reasons to have
long hair.

I like short hair on people. Yes, I also like
very long hair, but I often admire short cuts and wish I had them. The only
thing preventing me really was a fear that I’d do it and then hate it, and be
miserable. I hate the idea of not trying something just because I’m afraid. I
don’t want to get to the end of my life and realize I had long hair the entire
time simply because that’s what I was comfortable with, without finding out if
I liked something different. And diving even further, I hate the idea that the
length of my hair can so greatly affect my happiness. If nothing else, I think
having short hair would force me to confront some of my (very stupid) hangups
about my looks. I’m pretty sure if I could do that I could also be more
confident in myself, which would be awesome.
Now having said all of that, I don’t think I have the guts
yet to try short hair. I have an appointment to “trim” my hair this weekend, so
I have all week to think about this more. And maybe make more lists. Or
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